Thursday, April 14, 2016

Economic Equality wouldn't necessarily be the correct solution ?

Blog stage six: Commentary Response to Mr. Reid Reinke's Blog

I agree with Mr. Reed Reinke's blog when it comes down to his view on the issue of economic equality. Mainly Due to the fact that I personally can relate to this topic. Although, my family and I aren't wealthy ourselves we never have really pointed the finger at the rich for our economic misfortune. Instead, my parents and I had to work really hard for the little stuff that we now posses. Sure I know of the fact that the rich are getting richer, but like Mr. Reinke mentioned in his article " some are born into a bad situation and others are born into one with an easier access to more opportunity. " and that is where I can agree that some of us are just unfortunate to be born into poverty, while others are more fortunate.

I also completely agree with Mr. Reinke on his stance of what makes America great. The fact that if you put in the Time, and effort you can achieve your goals and dreams. Like Iv'e mentioned earlier even though my family and I aren't wealthy. We have always worked hard for our goals. Now, we might not have the fortune of the middle class and upper class, but we sure aren't blaming the rich for our misfortune. Considering what Mr. Reinke mentioned in his blog of the fact that if you're determined and have work ethic, It is possible to achieve ones dreams. Now this is where I can currently relate to as well.

Although, I have faced many unfortunate moments in my life. Specifically speaking in regards of me and my families financial stance. I am not going to sit here and complain. Instead, I use those aspects of my life as my motivation. To strive for better economic opportunities. Not just for myself, but for my family as well. I don't necessarily want to be rich either. All I really want is to be able to get a promising career in order to live a stable life. I know in order to be able to accomplish my dreams and goals it is going to take a lot of desire, dedication, and persistence.  That is why I am here today. Getting my education sacrificing family time, social time and setting up my priorities high. All for the sake of making a name for myself, and opening up a new chapter in my life.

Ultimately, blaming the rich and taxing them more isn't going to necessarily solve our economies issues. Economic equality isn't going to impact our economy in a positive manner it is instead going to narrow down the opportunities for us regular folks. Making it even harder than it already it is for humble citizens like myself to fight and dream for better economic opportunities. 

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