Friday, April 29, 2016

Nothing New to US/U.S.

  The United States is wasting hundreds of millions of dollars in the aid to Afghanistan, and not to forget to mention that most of the aid that is being given to Afghanistan is also coming out of our own civilian pockets. It's a shame that our federal Government isn't quite handling this situation in a proper manner. Instead our Government is mishandling our taxpaying money. When I mean Money I am not just talking about a small percentage of our tax paying money. On the contrary Billions of money is being spent. As funny as this might sound your tax paying money has been or is in the future going towards aiding Afghanistan. I'm sure this isn't Nothing New to US/U.S., but ask yourself is that really where we as American civilians want to see our hard working dollar to be spent ?  I know I sure don't, I rather know that my money is being spent on something that can actually benefit our country, as well as our Economy.

  U.S. Tax money going towards The Taliban is the headline today. Not Surprisingly, It might not be publicly shown in the media as it should be, but it happens to be the truth as well. Yes,   ''coincidentally'' our money has also increased Taliban presence in many villages. Whoa talk about the root to all evil. Money !!! is money really evil or is it the folks in charged of properly maintaining and funding our dollars. When The USAID interfered with insurgencies to so called build stability in many Afghan villages the least expected occurred. A Taliban presence increased and along come the violence. Now is this where our tax money should be going towards ? The Taliban, which was a so called decreasing terrorist group, yet for some odd reason when ever Billions of money was funded towards an on going war or should I say country. Violence seemed to increase as well as Corruption.

  Lastly, why should we the people have to be the ones that are paying millions for a inefficient corrupt riddle of projects. That is not even benefiting Afghanistan or more importantly benefiting The United States, and as a matter of fact is only making Afghanistan Economy weaker. I thought The United States of America was the helping hand. Yet, it happens to be the contrary we just seem to negatively harm Afghanistan. Ultimately our Government is basically wasting Billions of our taxpaying money, which should be used for the better of this country to up-rise us not to behold other countries.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Economic Equality wouldn't necessarily be the correct solution ?

Blog stage six: Commentary Response to Mr. Reid Reinke's Blog

I agree with Mr. Reed Reinke's blog when it comes down to his view on the issue of economic equality. Mainly Due to the fact that I personally can relate to this topic. Although, my family and I aren't wealthy ourselves we never have really pointed the finger at the rich for our economic misfortune. Instead, my parents and I had to work really hard for the little stuff that we now posses. Sure I know of the fact that the rich are getting richer, but like Mr. Reinke mentioned in his article " some are born into a bad situation and others are born into one with an easier access to more opportunity. " and that is where I can agree that some of us are just unfortunate to be born into poverty, while others are more fortunate.

I also completely agree with Mr. Reinke on his stance of what makes America great. The fact that if you put in the Time, and effort you can achieve your goals and dreams. Like Iv'e mentioned earlier even though my family and I aren't wealthy. We have always worked hard for our goals. Now, we might not have the fortune of the middle class and upper class, but we sure aren't blaming the rich for our misfortune. Considering what Mr. Reinke mentioned in his blog of the fact that if you're determined and have work ethic, It is possible to achieve ones dreams. Now this is where I can currently relate to as well.

Although, I have faced many unfortunate moments in my life. Specifically speaking in regards of me and my families financial stance. I am not going to sit here and complain. Instead, I use those aspects of my life as my motivation. To strive for better economic opportunities. Not just for myself, but for my family as well. I don't necessarily want to be rich either. All I really want is to be able to get a promising career in order to live a stable life. I know in order to be able to accomplish my dreams and goals it is going to take a lot of desire, dedication, and persistence.  That is why I am here today. Getting my education sacrificing family time, social time and setting up my priorities high. All for the sake of making a name for myself, and opening up a new chapter in my life.

Ultimately, blaming the rich and taxing them more isn't going to necessarily solve our economies issues. Economic equality isn't going to impact our economy in a positive manner it is instead going to narrow down the opportunities for us regular folks. Making it even harder than it already it is for humble citizens like myself to fight and dream for better economic opportunities. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Are we ever going to witness progress ?

    Imagine waking up one day, and all you see and hear are explosions and people living in fear all around you ? How would you like to experience that day by day or maybe even years. I certainly do not think we as Americans would want to have to go through that experience. I'm I right or right ? I'm guessing you choose the second option. Well, as I'm sure you all know, our "great" country of America has faced terrorism for decades now. As odd as it might seem, which it most likely doesn't. When ever our country faces terrorism we always turn to our Military. Sure, the military is our National Defense. What I do not agree with is, the usage of our Military power to basically terrorize countries, communities, and other people as well. What our Government should do is The right Approach to Terrorism.

  This is why I am here to talk about today. The United States Terrorists. As funny as that might sound to you'll. We all know its the actual truth. Our American Government uses the power of our military to put fear into people. Specifically, the countries that behold terrorists and terrorist practices. I understand the fact that terrorist themselves are wrong for terrorizing and planning horrifying attacks. Yet, we are doing the same thing as well. Terrorizing countries, and killing innocent people. Who are unfortunately caught up in the misfire, but for some reason our Govt continues with their acts.

   Now we can't deny it our U.S. soldiers that are in Syria and Iraq, Iran, and even in Afghanistan. Are also considered terrorist themselves. Maybe not in the sense as criminal terrorists. Main difference is that our terrorists hold the right to terrorize. As it is stated in their contract. Just to clarify our U.S. soldiers don't literally sign a contract which says they can terrorize. Instead it is stated in a ''Patriotic Version'' which is portrayed in a professional manner. To clearly emphasize my point, is the fact that fighting terrorism with terrorism will never work. Instead, it is obviously just going to heat up even more tensions, and nonetheless create America even more enemies. As if we don't have enough. What is the deal with these guys from the U.S. ?  one of the many questions that I wish I could get a legitimate answer too.

   Although I do not agree with either side of terrorism. I do believe in the power of our Government to imply a new change in resolving terrorism. Now my words might sound completely prejudice/bias, but we all know that we are never going to win a war against terrorism if we keep up with our hypocrite ways. It's just plain logic, and it doesn't take a genius to figure this out. Yet, for some odd reason our United States geniuses can't seem to figure this out. What our Government needs to do is find The Right Approach to face Terrorism. Is it ever going to happen ? who knows, but if it does ever happen then just maybe this issue can see some progress.

   My perspective in handling the war on terror is to first; Decrease all of the combative Military raids and strikes. Secondly, Reduce the media's influence on terrorism. Lastly, not let terrorism take over our heads in a negative way, and find out the reasoning of their terrorist acts. Now this all might sound completely Insane/stupid, but I believe that in order to possibly see a decrease in terrorism our government officials need to settle this issue with plain old words. What is our most powerful tool that we can use as humans ?  Our voice. And we shouldn't let this great tool of ours slip right through our hands. I can understand the fact that my perspective on solving the war against terrorism might sound completely idiotic to some. And although previous peace talks might of not had a drastic impact on previous wars. I do certainly agree that it would take a great Human Being with exceptional Political compassion to get my plans to hopefully have progression. To think this is one of the many issues that our American Government faces. Until then let's see how this issue is handled in the upcoming years, and hopefully well see ''Resolutions'' being made.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Battle for The New Leadership

  Trump's candidacy represents a battle for the soul of America In which The Author and former attorney Dean Obeidallah critiques Donald Trump, and his so called ResolutionsObeidallah really does convey, and points out the main issues Donald Trump favor's. Basically conveying fear into the American people. By Implementing, and dividing the American People. Mainly of which he talks about Race, Religion, and Ethnicity. Overall, Obeidallah In my perspective is very credible. Mainly since what he is mainly critiquing is how Donald Trump Resolutions to '' Make America Great Again'' isn't a credible resolution, but more of a Bigoted perspective of his, and not so much a Political Resolution.

   Obeidallah also points out the allegations of Donald Trump's possible support of the White Supremacy Group better known as the Klu Klax Klan. In Which Donald greatly denies his affiliations with the leader of the KKK. Are you really going to believe that Donald Trump Doesn't have any affiliations with the KKK ? If you do congrats on the Ignorance, and Blindness. It's just plain logic in my opinion we all know that this very ''grateful '' group is full on supportive for Donald Trump.

   All in all, I certainly agree with The Author Obeidallah critiques on Donald Trump. Mainly since I my self also believe that his resolution's are full on Bigoted. Not so much for a better America. As a matter of fact his way of ruling power, and impeding change. At least in my ears sounds more of a dictatorship ruling. Not so much of a Presidency of The United States. Now, My thoughts might sound ignorant to many people, but America in my opinion shouldn't be run like a dictatorship. After all America is known as the land of opportunity, and so called freedom.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

DEA agents kept jobs despite serious misconduct

             I'm sure most of you have heard of the good old DEA. I'm guessing you have. Well, what's the first thing you usually think of this highly respected agency? You most likely respect these individuals for the work that they do. Not to mention that they risk their lives against the drug war. For the so-called well-being of our citizens. What if I told you that this so-called ''Great'' agency has been having some serious issues.

           In case you didn't know  The U.S Drug Enforcement Agency allowed its employees to stay on the job despite internal investigations. These Highly trained agents of the DEA despite being the enforcers against the war on drugs. Apparently, aren't following the proper conduct that a professional agent should be following. Several agents have been accused of misconduct while on duty. A perfect example, while in Colombia on a so-called anti-drug mission. Several DEA agents according to investigators were reportedly partying with paid prostitutes. The agents were also using the money that they confiscate from drug lords to also buy drugs themselves, as well as distribute

          It's just astonishing really, I can't forget to mention the fact that out of 50 DEA agents which were accused of misconduct. Only 14 of them actually got dismissed. But they didn't get dismissed permanently they had to be brought back to work. All due to federal appeals that intervened. As a federal agency shouldn't the DEA be held at high standards. I certainly think so. On paper isn't the DEA supposed to be an agency devoted to the fight against corruption, specifically in the distribution of drugs.

        Even tough the DEA'S Board of Professional Conduct acknowledges and sets a dismissal for agents to get fired. It tends not to actually happen even when the cases are of a serious consent. Which most of them are. All due to federal restrictions that behold the whole process. Now, why is that? I'm pretty sure the federal government knows that the actions of these agents aren't ethical or logical. But, the '' great '' federal government lets these issues slip by. What do they care, these agents are the ones who Portray the United States as a so-called enforcer of the anti-corruption agency. Is this really how our Drug Enforcement Agents should carry themselves. But what can we do, nothing really? We are only regular old civilians. While they're the enforcers and face against drugs and corruption overall. Yet, among the Federal Agencies is where the corruption lies.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Once again a civilian shot to death by the almighty power.

     In case you haven't heard yet or watched the news a terrible incident occurred here in Austin TX Monday February 8 of 2016. At 10:30 pm veteran police officer Brian Manley was called upon to a scene of according to reports of a naked teen running around causing disturbance and fear in some of the residents in North east Austin. Apparently the teenager of 17 years of age whose name is David Joseph might of been under the influence of a controlled substance like PCP. The teen could have been suffering of mental health issues. who knows. Reports are still unknown whether or not the teenager was under the influence or not. So, my question is why shoot the kid when ever I'm sure most officers carry other sorts of protection/ equipment.

     For example, a taser or maybe as I'm sure defensive techniques without the usage of weapons  I mean isn't that one of the many aspects a police officer of '' The Law '' should learn or does learn in the police academy. Point is the kid didn't even have a weapon as it states in the reports and sure he could of posed threat towards the officer. Then again the kid was naked !!!! what threat could he have posed besides the teen running naked at another man. Not much in my perspective at least maybe he could of peed on him. What I am basically trying to point out is the fact that police officers shouldn't have the right to shoot and kill another human being unless they're lives are truly at risk.

      I might be wrong I might have gotten the wrong details, but I feel like this article is worth reading mainly if your interested on how increasingly police brutality is risen in the United States. There always seem to be little evidence on the true threat that the fatally shot or killed have actually posed on officers besides that they were under influence of some sort of drug. I would just like to ask you how would you feel, if you find out that your loved one was shot and killed ? By no, not a low life, but a so called protector, and enforcer of the law.