Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Once again a civilian shot to death by the almighty power.

     In case you haven't heard yet or watched the news a terrible incident occurred here in Austin TX Monday February 8 of 2016. At 10:30 pm veteran police officer Brian Manley was called upon to a scene of according to reports of a naked teen running around causing disturbance and fear in some of the residents in North east Austin. Apparently the teenager of 17 years of age whose name is David Joseph might of been under the influence of a controlled substance like PCP. The teen could have been suffering of mental health issues. who knows. Reports are still unknown whether or not the teenager was under the influence or not. So, my question is why shoot the kid when ever I'm sure most officers carry other sorts of protection/ equipment.

     For example, a taser or maybe as I'm sure defensive techniques without the usage of weapons  I mean isn't that one of the many aspects a police officer of '' The Law '' should learn or does learn in the police academy. Point is the kid didn't even have a weapon as it states in the reports and sure he could of posed threat towards the officer. Then again the kid was naked !!!! what threat could he have posed besides the teen running naked at another man. Not much in my perspective at least maybe he could of peed on him. What I am basically trying to point out is the fact that police officers shouldn't have the right to shoot and kill another human being unless they're lives are truly at risk.

      I might be wrong I might have gotten the wrong details, but I feel like this article is worth reading mainly if your interested on how increasingly police brutality is risen in the United States. There always seem to be little evidence on the true threat that the fatally shot or killed have actually posed on officers besides that they were under influence of some sort of drug. I would just like to ask you how would you feel, if you find out that your loved one was shot and killed ? By no, not a low life, but a so called protector, and enforcer of the law. 

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