Thursday, February 25, 2016

DEA agents kept jobs despite serious misconduct

             I'm sure most of you have heard of the good old DEA. I'm guessing you have. Well, what's the first thing you usually think of this highly respected agency? You most likely respect these individuals for the work that they do. Not to mention that they risk their lives against the drug war. For the so-called well-being of our citizens. What if I told you that this so-called ''Great'' agency has been having some serious issues.

           In case you didn't know  The U.S Drug Enforcement Agency allowed its employees to stay on the job despite internal investigations. These Highly trained agents of the DEA despite being the enforcers against the war on drugs. Apparently, aren't following the proper conduct that a professional agent should be following. Several agents have been accused of misconduct while on duty. A perfect example, while in Colombia on a so-called anti-drug mission. Several DEA agents according to investigators were reportedly partying with paid prostitutes. The agents were also using the money that they confiscate from drug lords to also buy drugs themselves, as well as distribute

          It's just astonishing really, I can't forget to mention the fact that out of 50 DEA agents which were accused of misconduct. Only 14 of them actually got dismissed. But they didn't get dismissed permanently they had to be brought back to work. All due to federal appeals that intervened. As a federal agency shouldn't the DEA be held at high standards. I certainly think so. On paper isn't the DEA supposed to be an agency devoted to the fight against corruption, specifically in the distribution of drugs.

        Even tough the DEA'S Board of Professional Conduct acknowledges and sets a dismissal for agents to get fired. It tends not to actually happen even when the cases are of a serious consent. Which most of them are. All due to federal restrictions that behold the whole process. Now, why is that? I'm pretty sure the federal government knows that the actions of these agents aren't ethical or logical. But, the '' great '' federal government lets these issues slip by. What do they care, these agents are the ones who Portray the United States as a so-called enforcer of the anti-corruption agency. Is this really how our Drug Enforcement Agents should carry themselves. But what can we do, nothing really? We are only regular old civilians. While they're the enforcers and face against drugs and corruption overall. Yet, among the Federal Agencies is where the corruption lies.

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