Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Battle for The New Leadership

  Trump's candidacy represents a battle for the soul of America In which The Author and former attorney Dean Obeidallah critiques Donald Trump, and his so called ResolutionsObeidallah really does convey, and points out the main issues Donald Trump favor's. Basically conveying fear into the American people. By Implementing, and dividing the American People. Mainly of which he talks about Race, Religion, and Ethnicity. Overall, Obeidallah In my perspective is very credible. Mainly since what he is mainly critiquing is how Donald Trump Resolutions to '' Make America Great Again'' isn't a credible resolution, but more of a Bigoted perspective of his, and not so much a Political Resolution.

   Obeidallah also points out the allegations of Donald Trump's possible support of the White Supremacy Group better known as the Klu Klax Klan. In Which Donald greatly denies his affiliations with the leader of the KKK. Are you really going to believe that Donald Trump Doesn't have any affiliations with the KKK ? If you do congrats on the Ignorance, and Blindness. It's just plain logic in my opinion we all know that this very ''grateful '' group is full on supportive for Donald Trump.

   All in all, I certainly agree with The Author Obeidallah critiques on Donald Trump. Mainly since I my self also believe that his resolution's are full on Bigoted. Not so much for a better America. As a matter of fact his way of ruling power, and impeding change. At least in my ears sounds more of a dictatorship ruling. Not so much of a Presidency of The United States. Now, My thoughts might sound ignorant to many people, but America in my opinion shouldn't be run like a dictatorship. After all America is known as the land of opportunity, and so called freedom.

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